AML - Complementos Sanitários, S.A. (AML), responsible for the AML Group Certification, declares its commitment to implement and maintain Chain Responsibility Management according to the requirements of PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes) across all group members.

The company ensures that the forest-based raw material integrated into the products it markets does not have controversial origins, as defined by PEFC, including forest management activities that:

X Do not comply with local, national, or international legislation applicable to forestry activities, particularly those related to the following areas:

  • Forest operations and harvesting, including biodiversity conservation and forest conversion for other uses;
  • Management of areas of high environmental and cultural value;
  • Protected and endangered species, including CITES requirements;
  • Labor and health issues related to forest workers;
  • Rights of ownership, possession, and use of indigenous peoples;
  • Rights of ownership, possession, and use of third parties;
  • Payment of taxes and fees.

X Do not comply with the legislation of the country where the forest exploitation took place regarding trade and customs obligations related to the forestry sector;

X Make use of genetically modified organisms;

X Promote the conversion of forests to other types of vegetation, including the conversion of primary forests into forest plantations.

AML also commits to complying with social, health, and safety requirements in the workplace, ensuring workers' freedom of association, choice of representatives, and collective bargaining, prohibiting forced and child labor, ensuring equal employment and treatment opportunities, and providing adequate health and safety conditions for workers.